Sound Design Mockup: Forest Cottage Narrative

In this immersive sound design piece, I crafted a storytelling audio experience that transports listeners into a serene forest setting. The narrative follows a man in his secluded cottage, deep in the woods. The soundscape begins indoors, where the subtle hum of the home environment contrasts with the quiet outside. We hear the man walking across the wooden floors of his cottage, checking if the kettle is boiling, setting the tone for the peaceful yet vivid environment.

As the man steps outside, the audio shifts dramatically. The sound of his footsteps changes—first to the hard stone, then to soft mud, and finally to moist grass, each surface providing its distinct texture. The ambient soundscape evolves too, transitioning from the enclosed indoor atmosphere to the expansive outdoors, with details like flies buzzing, wind rustling the grass, and water softly flowing in the background. These nuanced sound elements create an engaging sensory experience, highlighting the interaction between the character and his natural surroundings.

The original piece was designed in ambisonic format for an immersive spatial audio experience but was later converted into stereo, making it accessible for easy listening on headphones.